Installation of Netdata Debian monitoring 11

2 years temu

The following guide describes how to install NetData monitoring in a Debian system 11 We will do everything in a few simple steps. First, we run…

Installing the FileZilla ftp client

2 years temu

FileZilla is intuitive to use, a cross-platform and stable FTP client. Below is a description of its installation in a Debian system 11. Installation is…

Installing Microsoft Teams Debian 11

2 years temu

Another Linux tutorial is how to install Microsoft Teams on Debian 11. We will install it in two ways, both via…

Installing Google Chrome Debian 11

2 years temu

Another Linux tutorial is how to install Google Chrome on Debian 11. We will install it in two ways (more…)

Installing the Debian OpenVPN server 11

2 years temu

To install OpenVPN on Debian 11 no specialized steps are required. Below is a description of instant installation thanks to which we will install ours…

Midnight Commander – Introduction and Installation in Debian 11

2 years temu

Midnight Commander - Introduction and Installation in Debian 11 Your first adventure with the command line can be very painful…

Installing Skype on Debian 11

2 years temu

Below is a quick guide on how to install Skype on Debian 11 zarówno w wersji przez terminal jak i menażerem pakietów gdebi.

Installing Steam on Debian 11

3 years temu

The following guide describes how to install Steam on a Debian system 11 We will do everything in no time with a few commands. (more…)

Installing Microsoft Edge on Debian 11

3 years temu

The following guide describes how to install Microsoft Edge on Debian 11 We will do everything in a few steps. We can use the browser…

Installing Memcached on Debian 11

3 years temu

The following guide describes how to install Memcached on a Debian system 11. Memcached is a data and object caching system, who can…