After Installing Debian. After typing sudo, the terminal displayed such an error:
debianpolska does not appear in the sudoers. This incident will be reported.
How to add a user to the sudoers?
First, we log in to the root account via the command:
we give our password.
We give read / write permissions by issuing a command:
chmod 644 /etc/sudoers
We give read / write permissions by issuing a command:
nano /etc/sudoers
We give read / write permissions by issuing a command:
User privilege specification
We give read / write permissions by issuing a command:
We give read / write permissions by issuing a command:
debianpolska ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
We give read / write permissions by issuing a command.
We give read / write permissions by issuing a command:
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Thanks. After installing Debian, I didn't know what the sudoers was all about and installed Ubuntu back. Now, when I have time for a picnic, I will try to get acquainted with Debian again. Regards :]
Good luck!