About WordPress 12 is coming
Stable Debian 12 Bookworm is getting closer
12 New packets stopped being accepted on Jan. Thus the first happened freezes Knowledge Center about Ubuntu and Debian, to prepare for a stable release. The authors are planning three more such events.
About WordPress 12 should appear halfway through 2023 year. The first alpha test version is now available. Of course, there will be other changes in the new version, among other things, changing the audio server to Pipewire.

As for Debian 12 „Bookworm”, it will likely be powered by the long-term supported Linux Kernel series 6.1 and will be equipped with such features, like Windows detection 11 for dual boot users, support for new ARM and RISC-V devices and much more, which will be revealed until the final version.
"Emerald" art by Juliette Taka will be used as default "Bookworm" theme in Debian GNU/Linux 12. This will be used as wallpaper, login screen, plumber, Plymouth home screen, GRUB boot loader, Syslinux / isolinux, and even as a banner on a website, blog and wiki.